A variety of quirky lines and short hems in the costume collection were a highlight in terms of their imaginative and even challenging qualities.
A variety of quirky lines and short hems in the costume collection were a highlight in terms of their imaginative and even challenging qualities.
Overall, the brand seems to be expanding exponentially with plans to move their brand over to the US. The vibe at Fashion Paramount proved to be enthusiastic but collected.
All the time it is being said that Perth is in transition. Not quite dullsville, not quite the bright lights of Sydney or Melbourne (yet). I was recently asked what I wanted to do with my one and precious life – it’s interesting to consider for Perth.
The tour includes a 29th of November date at their beloved home-away-from-home the Rosemount, and if any one of you enjoys anything about the Poison City inspired punk rock resurgence you should grab a ticket before they are unavailable.
When American Beauty was first released it was met with pretty much universal acclaim; and the Oscars, with their love of all things in love with Americana, melodrama and mature seriousness, found American Beauty to be the best film of the year. The film also took numerous other Academy Awards, including best screenplay for Ball, best director for Sam Mendes and best actor for Kevin Spacey. It also won several Golden Globes but like, is that even a real thing anyways.
This whole film pieced together is bursting with stories and lines of narration that at first seem to be cluttered en masse, soon prove to be beautifully crafted together in a familiar and deliberate manner.
In Perth today - unheralded and unknown - there is a group of Illustrators who are quietly setting about attempting to redefine how we view the world, and the role that "art" plays within it.
Back in the old days, television was regarded as the “inferior cousin” to cinema, but that is not the case anymore. This year’s Emmys is a good example to illustrate how much that tide has turned, and television’s ascension to being the home for quality visual storytelling and characterisation.
But as we know by this time it was already the school of thought that if you were to remake a film, you must add something new, do something different; but Van Sant opted against this and demanded that if he were to do it, he must do a true remake. The film must be a shot-for-shot, score-for-score, moment by moment redoing of what Hitchcock did. His thinking was pretty much; who was he to change what was already perfect.
You know you’ve got one.
Look, I get it: Guardians of the Galaxy was space-tacular, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was ape-tastic, and Transformers 4: Age of Extinction was more like Age of Ex-stinking-garbage. But now that you’ve satiated your blockbuster appetite, I know that you’re craving for that sweet, sweet high you get from smaller, wackier, and more brain-churning indie flicks.
As we've already addressed, some lecturers are just dicks; but there are different levels of dickery. The one who lets you watch his lectures is pretty bad, but then there's the one who refuses to make his lectures available online. We have two great solutions for you!
She gave fans as special an evening as they could ever have hoped for. But I thought for this article it would prove more interesting to explore the overall act of concert going, which is honestly one that really has a lot of problems with it when you stop and think about it. So please join me as I suck all the fun out of your next gig by drawing attention to all the shitty elements you’ll inevitably have to deal with.
The policy shift towards deregulation of the building industry shows that the state government is beginning to recognise that property rights are more important than occupying the work hours of planners. For taxi drivers, it allows an industry retarded by government interference to compete in the face of increasing competition.
With the end of June also came the halfway point of 2014 (yeah, just think about that for a moment!). The first half of the year has been absolutely stellar for music, with some truly brilliant albums being released. Here are some of the best in our not so humble opinion.
We’re finally back with the next part of the Modern Classic Albums countdown! This segment sees us travel through the 20s; checking out some iconic hardcore, hip hop, alt rock, folk and more along the way.
On Saturday night, a few friends and I went to check out the latest (and arguably coolest) venue in Northbridge, the Northbridge Brewing Company. Located on the edge of the Piazza on Lake St, Northbridge Brewing Company is a formidable sight, with a rooftop bar offering city views while you drink.
Sometimes you’ve got to leave serious movies to the cinephiles and see a movie featuring a talking raccoon and a tree fighting evil aliens.
That title is a little bit much; I had a ‘thrive during’ in there but the alliteration was more fun. It’s more the standard of a person who thinks they are good enough to post tips about uni life on an internet forum, as if any one gives a crap. Nonetheless; now at the end of my first semester of my third year at university, I’ve been thinking about some things that have helped me survive.
So the story goes that in the year 2014 humanity, after finally accepting global warming as a thing, attempted to fight against it and thus, set of chain of events that ushered in a new ice age. Our present day is now the not too distant future of 2031 and those who are survived managed to do so by purchasing a ticket on a train that travels around the entire planet each year.
So it is a hot summer day in Perth and you just found out that in a matter of hours, the whole world is going to go up in smoke and everyone is going to die a horrible fiery death, what do you do?