When the Need Strikes, Shelter in the Muddies

Returning a few weeks later, we found that our house among the trees had been improved upon in haphazard fashion, superior perhaps to our first changes, but now blatantly underwhelming. Immediately we hoisted the logs that suspended the roof onto much higher boughs...

REVELATION FILM FESTIVAL 2014 Preview: Our Top Picks

The Revelation Perth International Film Festival is back, and with it comes the thought-provoking documentaries, the quirky indie flicks, and the mind-bending art-house films from all over the world. You know, those obscure films you heard about, the ones with trailers you happen to stumble upon but thought would never reach our shores? Well, from the 3rd to 13th of July, you can actually see it them in an actual theatre near you!

The Love Junkies - Flight Test EP

Current leaders in Perth’s emerging punk x grunge hybrids, the trio are taking all of the right steps to ensure their music remains true, firstly by releasing an absolute banger of a debut in 2013’s Maybelene, before starting their own label and release platform, Blackbox Recordings and releasing the Flight Test EP.

Fairbridge Wrap Up Part 2

I saw about 25 different acts over the two days and three nights and I have 19 names here on my list that I want to tell you about. Obviously I can’t tell you heaps about all of them because otherwise I would be here for about 6 years. I will go into detail about 8 of my tops picks, and I’ll briefly mention the rest. Okay? Good. Let’s do this!

Fairbridge Wrap Up Part 1

I often like to say that Fairbridge is one of the only festivals where you can ask the audience to sing, and they do it in tune- with harmonies as well if you ask nicely. I have never experienced anything like the community of people that is this festival. Everyone you meet is kind, interesting and a true music lover.

Record Store Day 2014: Perth Edition

Record Store Day has come again, and with it, a slew of choice pickings from artists as diverse as Nirvana and Slipknot available at various stores about Perth. With plenty of well-established stores around Perth, (and some established chains trying to sell records…JB…) where will be the best places to find the gem, hang, chill and soak in vibes?