UNI HACK: Watch & Download All (Even Hidden) UWA Lectures

UNI HACK: Watch & Download All (Even Hidden) UWA Lectures

 As we've already addressed, some lecturers are just dicks; but there are different levels of dickery. The one who lets you watch his lectures is pretty bad, but then there's the one who refuses to make his lectures available online. We have two great solutions for you! 

The first is downloading this text file which has the 2014 echo links; simply CTRL+F for your unit code copy pasta the link into your browser. 


From here if you want to download you can use our guide.

But the solution I'm going to recommend comes from the mysterious 'pete20r2'. CLICK THE IMAGE TO BE AMAZED.

Holy catballs batman, that's a spicy meatball

YES. YOU'RE SEEING IT CORRECTLY. Head over to http://uwalcs.tk/ and make your life easier!

This weekend, let Possible Worlds Film Festival scratch that burning indie film itch inside you.

This weekend, let Possible Worlds Film Festival scratch that burning indie film itch inside you.

The Event Review you Probably Don’t Care About but Should: Courtney Love and Concert Going

The Event Review you Probably Don’t Care About but Should: Courtney Love and Concert Going