Film Review: All Is Lost

As the final credits rolled, I felt completely satisfied. The film concludes without falling into any clichés and the ending itself is equal parts dramatic and graceful. All Is Lost is a fantastic look into the despair of a hopeless situation and one mans journey through it.

Fringe Festival Opening Night: DeLuxe Tent

Everybody loves to laugh. Live comedy id one of my absolute favourite things so I decided that I would spend most of my time trying to make myself laugh until my brains fell out. I spent the opening night at Fringe in the DeLuxe tent and it was an interesting and eclectic lineup, and if last night was anything to go by, Fringe this year is going to be a good one!

Film Review: The Wolf of Wall Street

Hugely morally ambivalent and carefree, The Wolf of Wall Street is a lighthearted trip through a world, through the eyes and the life of a man who really does not give a fuck about anyone or anything outside his own desires. A lighthearted trip through a fairly dark space.

the GROWLERS - Gilded Pleasures EP

The Growlers' Gilded Pleasures is a great EP, however given the current popularity of nostalgia soaked rock on first listen it can lack a certain punch. However, Gilded Pleasures'  opener 'Dogheart II'  will drag you in, and the EP constantly rewards on subsequent listenings, before heading into high rotation on your playlist.