Earth - The Rosemount - 18/06/14 | Isolated Nation
Earth - The Rosemount - 18/06/14

Earth - The Rosemount - 18/06/14

Life Is Noise pres. Earth

Dylan Carlson and associates graced us with their presence on Wednesday night at the Rosemount. Earth’s mythical aura has developed over time and filled the void in some of their more average music. The critically claimed trio crawled in pace, repeated chords and glowed in the wall of sound, which coated the walls of the Rosemount.

There was a specific equation to Earth’s early work, it was goal-orientated, regimented and controlled. Carlson’s new life and recorded influences and decision to play a few songs off the new album provided a fantastic balance of part improvisation, and set songs. All in all, there were moments of #raw, #organic music, and also some more interactions on stage. The moments of raw beauty and power surpassed some of the minor mistakes made on the night. This made the rather eclectic crowd somewhat hypnotized, yet still engaged in the progression of their songs.

Carlson’s lady friend/ now percussionist Adrienne Davies was tight in such a sloppy way, it was as if we were watching a film and part of the background was in slow motion or submerged under water. Having a sip of red Gatorade prior to the performance, she maintained this illusory enigma through the more slow, heavy and textural moments of the night. Carlson was prominent in his playing particularly in Angels of Darkness tunes, and the bassist was slightly underwhelming.

Great supports from Craig McElhinney + Chris Cobillis, followed by the Rachael Dease Band.

When I found out I was going to see Earth, I had expectations and Dylan Carlson and his entourage more or less lived up to them. With distinct eras in his career, I expected the range of songs to be a little old and new. However, notwithstanding the diverse range of genres that encompass their discography, Earth was able to maintain interest and weave the old with the new. Earth has a new album out on the 2nd of September.


A + The Bees Made Honey In The Lion's Skull

C - Dude deciding to have a lay down half way through the show

B 80% of men having longer hair than moi

A- Anticipation for songs to end when they were supposed to

-Sarah Marshman


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