Despite its inherent flaws, Split is a well-executed psychological thriller that signals the return of M Night Shyamalan as a unique Hollywood storyteller.
Despite its inherent flaws, Split is a well-executed psychological thriller that signals the return of M Night Shyamalan as a unique Hollywood storyteller.
A script full of blanks? One could say it is slightly better in theory than in reality but I can assure you there is much to be gained from this exploration of mortality and the human condition.
It's always a pleasure to have Neel return each year for the annual Fringe World Festival, but 2017's debut of his new stand up show #ObjectifyNeel deems Perth lucky indeed.
As its title suggests, the majority of the show is completely improvised, relying solely on punter interaction to drive the show forward. It’s this kind of acrobat-on-a-tightrope type comedy show that makes proceedings all the more thrilling to watch.
To some degree or another, we are all like Moonlight's taciturn protagonist, in that we're wearing a veil of loneliness to shield ourselves from the world's cruelties. Moonlight pierces that veil.
Encapsulating so many of the best things about Fringe: Nostalgia, crowd participation, excellent showmanship, eccentricity, and of course music.
Player 2 is an exploration of death and what comes after, and evokes self revelation from its audience through incomparable audience participation.
Devilishly werid and awe inspiring, LIMBO is a collection of gasp aloud moments knitted together craftily with colourful, gritty music, recurrent feather motifs and characterful theatrics.
“More than beautiful (though they are), more than brilliantly performed (though they were), her poems are so very important.” - James Webster, Oxford based writer
French band Nouvelle Vague hit Perth over the weekend. They said they liked it here, but couldn't move here, 'because Paris'. Sigh.
Do you remember those dance crazy girls from high school? Well they're sorta doing this thing at PICA now. Check out our sweaty review of Fantasy Light Yoga!
My experience at Out of the Cave, Skylight Theatre Company’s devised social commentary, I can safely say, was the exact opposite of what many others who have graced those steps have experienced, and if life imprisonment meant watching this play a thousand times over I would be so there!
We sent our film editor to an RTRFM music festival, and all we got was this lousy article.
Even if Manchester by the Sea were not so technically accomplished and beautifully acted, it would still stand as a unique work, simply because you get the ineffable sense that the director has experienced himself what he's depicting on screen – it's as personal as a handwritten poem to a loved one.
The sharp, fiery dynamic amongst Fairybread's cast remained incontestable, with each beautifully portraying the demand for emotion and human connection.
Bus Boy is an poignant and utterly unmissable show this Fringe Festival, guaranteed to make you feel a plethora of emotions, old and young alike.
The night was full of Fawlty Tower’s hijinks, sporadic crowd insulting, and true-to-form bland food.
We got the chance to interview the one-and-only Explosions in the Sky ahead of their February 16 show at the Perth International Arts Festival. Our discussion covered their latest album (2016's The Wilderness), the highlights of their career and much more, read all about it here!
There's no better time to get our hands and hearts set on an indulgent binge of culture. So what are you waiting for? Sink your teeth in.
Cam Avery wore a suit and played some tunes at Freo Arts Centre. Then we swooned.