Isolated Nation

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FILM REVIEW: "Stubbornly Here" is a shaky but undeniably spirited work of passion

The directorial debut of Perth-based Taylor Broadley tells the story of three adolescent discontents as they try to figure out their future and the way towards it. Like its protagonists, Stubbornly Here does not shy from its own individualism, and that grants it a truly unique sense of identity. Experimentation sets it apart from other low-budget indie, and this playfulness makes it impossible not to enjoy the ride. At one point, we watch an argument from the perspective of a helpless observer, who then devises a good-natured tease to get the other two back onside. But the shot remains the same, and we watch as feelings and thoughts play out without a single break, deepening that sense of tension and immersion. Through stylism, Broadley acts as fourth-participant in the free-flowing dialogue, and the film is at its strongest when it guides us by this medium toward the answers of these character’s inner-thoughts.

Being low-budget, it’s understandable that there are issues with audio at times. Too loud, too quiet, distractingly choppy punchlines and a generally inconsistent balance arise here and there. Keep an open mind, though, and you’ll find there is a deep-running vein of passion at play in the craft of this film. As the film begins its festival run, there is all the possibility post-production will tend to these issues before the work on Stubbornly Here is entirely finished.

Because the future is so far from guaranteed for our protagonists, Stubbornly Here develops a real synthesis between past and present. Through stretches of introverted silence, the audience gets a chance to infer the mystery of their respective reasons for running. The small, intimate moments are, at times, swept away by disproportionately-sized ideas at play. Before you’re able to entirely adjust to one impression, another comes along to reconfigure the apparent aim of the story.

In the second act, the intriguing question of Why the vanishings are occurring takes a backseat. Here, the direction becomes a little vague. To abandon the lessons they’ve spent the film learning in the third act made it feel like watching somebody step backwards right at the finish line. The inclusion of a non-essential antagonist also felt a little contrived. Ultimately though, the essence of Stubbornly Here works as a playfully experimental hangout film. Aided by the use of local music, the home-grown film is an inspiring discovery of identity at the beginning of life and freedom and is well-worth a watch.