LIVE REVIEW: Night Lovell at Capitol | Isolated Nation
LIVE REVIEW: Night Lovell at Capitol

LIVE REVIEW: Night Lovell at Capitol

Night Lovell delivered an energy-crammed spectacular to open his Australian and New Zealand tour. True to his genre, the show was breathtaking — mostly because of the mosh, but also because of Lovell himself.

The thing I love about upcoming rappers is the fact that the fans that go are truly passionate about who they’re seeing. And for Lovell, 'passionate' is an understatement. Opening with ‘Concept Nothing’, the crowd was loving it from start to finish. Lovell wasn't shy when it came to expressing his love and appreciation for the loyal fans that filled Capitol, inviting them up on stage, letting them rap and jump out into the crowd.

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Playing through his set, Night Lovell brought out classics like ‘Dark Light’ and ‘Boy Red’ — but he didn’t fail to mix it up with his new single ‘Rip Trust’ and the more downtempo ‘Jamie's Sin’, which you could just feel was sung with emotional conviction. Lovell delighted us with some unreleased songs from his upcoming album, which were obviously received well from the hungering crowd.

Lovell never stopped interacting with us throughout the set. From getting us to bounce before drops and clap in unison as he rapped ‘Contraband’ over us to finally surfing the crowd during the chorus of ‘Dark Light’ — you couldn’t help but feel appreciated while being there.

Although the set was a little short — only being 50 minutes in length — every second was filled to the brim with energy. After finishing, he stayed to mingle with fans and take pictures with those who wanted.

Conclusively, it was 4/5 worth all the bruises.

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