The First Time I Dropped

The First Time I Dropped


(Please kindly go onto youtube and listen to Apocalypse Dreams by Tame Impala while reading this, if you already have it on your iPod, then ten points for Gryffindor)

Holy shit balls it was great. Prior to taking LSD I'd only smoked a dank load of weed, and definitely preferred my trip as opposed to the vague highness of marijuana. There is no way to describe the experience to someone who hasn't done it themselves; but I'll have ago anyway.

I should probably describe the circumstances a bit first. I was up north with a group of friends in a little country town and we dropped about an hour before sunset in the middle of summer. It was probably the best experience I've ever had, not that I'm encouraging you to take acid! When it was almost sunset a friend drove us to the top of a hill to watch sunset and anyone who has been up that way knows how amazing it is in normal life, let alone while you're tripping balls. We got to watch the sun fall out of the sky and also see a storm front roll in, which over the expanse of how much we could see looked incredible. Then when it started to rain on us it pretty much felt like the universe was telling us that we were about to embark on something amazing, and did we ever.


I felt super connected to the world; the trees spoke to me, I couldn't stop stroking dirt and I could 'touch' the clouds and make them move. That may all be unique to me due to my odd appreciation of the Earth and its dynamics, but regardless it was incredible. I didn't experience the hallucinations every associates with acid, but I did definitely find everything a lot more visually pleasing, it was like watching something in IMAX after an old black and white film. Eating wasn't as great relative to the visuals, but I had never appreciated water so much in my life; it genuinely felt like the source of life and turned me into this primal gatherer woman whose only quest in life was to find water for her babies.

The only time I found myself losing control of the trip, which everyone I'd spoken to about prior had warned me not to do, was when I tried to explain what was happening to sober friends. It went something like this, "I feel like there's so many versions of me all running around in the same place and sometimes one of them comes into my body and takes over and then I move and then another one comes in and its just really overwhelming knowing that theres so many of me and they just do what they like inside me!"
Yeah, digest that and make some sense of it because I still can't.

After that I went outside and lied on a mattress for hours just ogling at the artwork of the night sky, and the absolute nothingness surrounding me; it made me feel so significantly insignificant. I do have one recommendation for anyone who wants to trip, if you can have sex with someone else who is also tripping while you are, then do it; and if that person is someone you're in love with at the time, ensure it. There is nothing like it, there are no words, you connect with them on a completely different level and the entire dynamic of your relationship will change for the better.


Conversations become incredible. You don't talk about anything, but yet you talk about everything. Its amazing. I was talking to a friend who was also tripping with me, and someone we got on the topic of his aspirations to be a politician and we threw these around as potential campaign slogans for his run in 2016. "Marijuana is a low tier drug", "everyone deserves a little more booty", "cuppa, cunt?" and "vote for me because my slogans are easy to say!". It was great.

The only shit thing about acid; is that nothing is ever as good again afterwards. When I woke up the next day I was so disappointed at everything. Nothing was as pretty or felt as good. I walked outside and looked at the dirt and just thought, wow I stroked this for hours on end last night, I'm a spastic. You initially crave wanting to be back in that state of mind, but eventually you get to the point where you understand that its something that should only be done rarely, because if we were meant to look at the world like that, wouldn't we have evolved to that mindset by now? (Cue to the conspiracy theories)


I loved acid, I'll definitely do it again if I can, but from the sounds of it I was one of the lucky ones. I don't have a horror story, but there are thousands. Sorry to be all mum on you, but think about this one first. Its some hekkers shit bro.

Anon (Tumblr eat your heart out)

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