Pop sensation Ed Sheeran will be gracing out shores in a few weeks time. Find out more here.
Pop sensation Ed Sheeran will be gracing out shores in a few weeks time. Find out more here.
Rude boys are coming over to Oz on tour. Theres a lot to be excited about! Ticket info, and editorial within.
As part of the WAM showcase weekend, a couple of our writers checked out what was going on at YMCA HQ in Leederville.
The Festival is a lot like a failed Tinder date in many ways. You know you like a lot of the things about it, you are attracted to it, but something just doesn’t really click. It's someone else's soulmate.
Bar Pop will be keeping us busy over the next few months with their new Live at the Orchard series.
We took some time to review Foxing's new album. Read all about it!
Every now and then, you’ll find somewhere that captures you. One of my spots is the Midland Grain Silo. What was a huge symbol of agricultural history of Midland, is now a hotspot for street art.
I generally balk at the love dichotomy so often presented in movies – I’m certainly not one to gasp “Oh my stars I wonder who the young lass will choose?! How absolutely DELIGHTFUL to be young!” – but I feel that Brooklyn hits a deeper note than the surface may initially suggest.
So the release of New Bermuda was always going to come with a certain weight of expectation that the gang had to live up to this masterpiece of modern post-black-metal-shoe-gaze-funk. And it does.
Mathas is at his best when he makes the political personal, as on “Nourishment”, which has an excellent contribution from Abbe May. All of this is delivered in a flow that often sounds a bit like Mathas is just having a particularly stimulating conversation, and he just happens to be talking quite fast.
Delving deeper into the album, it becomes clear that this release has higher highs and lower lows; there’s an edginess that was not present before. If Depression Cherry was walking into the waves at sunset, TYLS is jogging along a cliff during a blood moon.
Drummer Dan Koyama’s energy was inimitable – alongside cathartic guitar relief via Lachlan Caskey and Michael Sloane, who accompanied on vocals. Such an unmistakable dynamic had loyal gatherers on their toes, comfortably singing along to old school Last Dinos.
Movies these days try too hard to please all audiences. I say just pick an approach and stick with it, who cares about people on dates. As the great Ron Swanson once said, “Never half ass two things, whole ass one thing”.
For music lovers, the most exciting aspect of the one-day event would perhaps be its string of musicians performing live at the Rosemount main stage.
Learning to Drive follows Wendy (Patricia Clarkson), a book-reviewer who has been recently dumped up with by her cheating husband of 21 years. And quite predictably, thanks to the on-the-nose title, she decides to learn how to drive (shock, horror, gasp!)
It’s difficult to pin point exactly what’s so alluring about Ought. Almost exactly equal parts visceral to cerebral, their music lays all of its influences out on the canvas but presents post punk in a fresh and exciting way.
Coming off the high from this year's Emmy awards, we take a look at 10 fantastic bottle episodes of television in the past decade.
We spoke with the Last Dinosaurs ahead of their tour next month. Read all about it here.
Being a fan of Flight of the Conchords, the prospect of seeing Jemaine Clement back in his natural habitat (New York, obviously) was an exciting one. I walked into the film feeling quite confident that I’d be getting a few laughs in, apparently so was the lady who sat next to me. Her cackle was often so loud and piercing, I’d miss the punchline completely.
Thanks to Resist they'll be stopping by all major cities and Newcastle, tickets are going quick, and are available at oztix.