German musician Nils Frahm conjures ambient music magic at the Perth Festival stage

German musician Nils Frahm conjures ambient music magic at the Perth Festival stage

Nils Frahm is truly a one-of-a-kind artist. The celebrated German composer, pianist, and producer, makes his highly anticipated return to Australia, and thanks to Perth Festival, we get to see him weave his magic on the Perth/Boorloo stage on 27th February, one of the two nights he performed at the East Perth Power Station.

Just by sight alone, you already know that you’re in for something special - evoking the fictional ingenuity of Dr Frankenstein, Nils Frahm builds his very real, very unique brand of neoclassicism by surrounding himself with instrumentation and technology, blending the old and the new, bringing to life a creature of his own.

Armed with the various musical contraptions at his disposal, from the magnificent glass harmonica, to toggling sythenesisers to hypnotic piano sounds, Frahm fuses the world of analog and digital music in a way that is both immersive and soul-sirring. The audience was taken on a journey, shifting between tranquil moments and thrilling sonic bursts.  Each composition leads you to wanting more as Frahm starts with a soft, intimate piano melody that builds into an array of harmonious, textured sounds.

One of the most striking aspects was Frahm's connection with the audience. He effortlessly engaged with the crowd, creating a shared experience that felt personal despite the vast outdoor venue. He explores sounds and emotions as he invites the crowd to be included in his art by adding their own animal and nature sounds, which are recorded and played back. As a result, you feel as if you are surrounded by an ambient make-believe rainforest when, in reality, it is still a warm, dry Perth summer evening - Frahms transports you to his own world.

This performance was an unforgettable, multi-sensory experience.

Cover Image by Sophie Minissale