Ask Your Friendly Neighbourhood Scientist
not related, but just awesome
If I trained a spider to kill someone, would this be legal?
Teach the spider loyalty, he won't rat you out.
Can excessive use of Facebook, in fact, lower my IQ?
Excessive use of Facebook can be likened to sniffing petrol at your local bus stop; you will ask people if they have $2 (but not before asking them if they've got the time).
Do these white-framed sunglasses look good on me?
Get out. Now.
Who would win a 3-day music battle, Flo Rida or Pitbull?
TRICK QUESTION! Neither actually play music, therefore neither can win.
Do you agree with the "Potty Perth" article in the 17th March Sunday Times?
With even the slightest education; you'd know that treated water will have absolutely no remnants of it's source. All water has been through innumerable shit-cycles; and you've consumed it. We're always in drought, drink the water and get over it.
What is baby oil made from?
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