LCD Soundsystem reunited for global world tour

LCD Soundsystem reunited for global world tour

When LCD Soundsystem announced their formal disbandment in 2011, they truly went about it in cut and dried fashion. A farewell tour, a movie documenting their final moments, as well as an official press release marked the end of an era, and the beginning of a gruelling mourning process for devotees of the New York electronic indie phenomenon. Some fans had likely only just passed through the first four hairy stages of grief, when James Murphy had announced a reunion in early 2016. Accompanying the reunion would be their fourth studio album, American Dream, and a global tour in the following year.

Despite what was a grandiose send-off in in the years prior, LCD Soundsystem are back. Receiving sundry reactions from listeners both new and old, the record continues to puzzle critics in its embryonic stage of existence.

In February next year, the indie electronic collective will be hitting our western shores in Perth for an all-ages show, and will hopefully be able to clarify that pressing question of whether they warranted a reunion after all those bells and whistles in the first place. Sometimes a live performance has the potential to add a level of dimensionality and character to music that the recorded version simply cannot.

There’s still time to prove your naysayers wrong Mr Murphy. Suspend your judgment. Hold your tongues. And see for yourself.

Click here to secure your tickets to LCD Soundsystem at HBF Stadium this upcoming February!

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