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Hiatus Kaiyote 'Choose Your Weapon' Album Launch

For a band to limit themselves in terms of breadth and depth of talent, there is undoubtedly a limit of success that follows. We source inspiration from different places and that is what gives us the richness of music and the arts more generally. Melbourne based band Hiatus Kaiyote launched their second LP ‘Choose Your Weapon’ over the weekend. This band undoubtedly is limitless in the diverse music they present to their crowds. 

Local jazz/aussie hip hop band Koi Child opened the evening with the exploration of themes such as ‘hating high school.’ After having seen the band at an intimate comedy gig earlier on in the year, I was pleasantly surprised by their development and improvement. Admittedly, it wasn’t even patron’s cup of tea, but you can definitely appreciate their talent beyond their stylistic situation.

Melbourne based JAALA followed Hiatus Kaiyote on their tour around the country, and for good reason! Dubbed one of Melbourne’s most prominent emerging artists, their experimental bedroom punk v jazzy neo soul vibe proved their music was worth a listen. They were truly adventurous and special in their own right. Who doesn’t like a lil bit of grunge?

The spotlight fell on Haitus Kaiyote around 11.20pm. The Grammy nominated band played popular tracks from their new album ‘Choose Your Weapon,’, many reminiscent of the LA Beats scene Bcc: Flying Lotus and Thundercat.

 Hiatus Kaiyote dodge definition, this is particularly true through their juxtaposition of acoustic and electronic. The brevity and intensity of the 18 tracks on the new 70-minute album is indicative of a jazz hybrid. Multi-dimensional ‘Breathing Underwater,’ ‘By Fire’ and ‘Nakamarra’ were stand out tracks, but in saying that, each song was its own cinematic masterpiece. All the tracks performed were ostensibly visual and created an immersive experience for patrons.

Nai Palm who borrows a certain gypsy sensibility was most definitely the stand out performer with polyrhythmic singing style. Three backup singers, who I can’t help but describe as the epitome of the Tumblr aesthetic, assisted Palm. Simon Mavin on Korg synths, and drummer Perrin Moss are also deserving of honourable mentions.

As one of the most genuinely talented groups on the planet right now, Hiatus Kaiyote are deserving of all the success their amazing and diverse music brings.