Isolated Nation

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THEATRE REVIEW: "Let me finish" is poignant, political, and necessary.

Never have I witnessed an entire audience laugh and cry at the same time, but this feat is accomplished by the astonishing cast of Let Me Finish. These women are nothing short of miraculous and their vulnerability alone is priceless. I cannot imagine the emotional toll it would have taken to perform parts of this show, and am so grateful for their dedication. 

This is potentially to theatre what Lemonade is to music, no exaggeration. This is everything women are fighting for on the daily. This is friendship, love, basic human rights and to not pay tax on sanitary items all rolled into one, with a side of acapella that'll rock your world.

I have also never witnessed an audience pay attention to every word of a show for an entire hour but when the truth of the world is unfolding before your eyes you sit up and listen. Truth that makes you cackle. Truth that makes you weep. Truth that makes you wanna hide behind your fingers but peer through them because you cannot look away. 

One of the most poignant, political and necessary pieces of theatre to date. Seriously. Date this show. It'll treat you right and teach you never to settle. You have every right to your own decision but go see it. Twice.