Isolated Nation

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Dr Matt Taylor’s Shirt, Karl Stefanovic, and Puritans hijacking Feminism

One man wears a shirt made for him by his female designer friend and is labelled as sexist, whereas the other bucks a life trend of being labelled a stupid misogynist and becomes an internet sensation and feminist hero.

Let me state one thing. People did not care that Dr Taylor was wearing a horrible shirt, they cared because the women in it were not wearing enough clothes. If they were wearing long flowing dresses people might have thought it was an odd shirt, but he would not have been labelled a sexist. Thus, the outraged people of the world are simply part of the problem that Stefanovic highlights. They are yet more of the masses who seek to define what women can and can’t wear.

Let us cast our minds back a few years ago, Carl on national TV, thanks his wife ‘cause she has the ‘best arse he has ever seen’. Sure a few people got up in arms, but mostly it is forgotten. Now, he dons the same suit for a year and is rightfully applauded (questions of whether anyone actually watched ‘Today’ during this time aside). He has in one fell swoop made everyone look like arses, and hopefully will help push the idea that women can wear whatever the f*#% they want. It also makes nonsense out of the perpetuated idea that he is a misogynist.

In a cruel twist of irony, Dr Matt Taylor has alerted us to the fact that our society is still wallowing in the chains of our puritan past. How? He did it by being noticed for his shirt. Well more specifically, what was on his shirt. It turns out Carl was both right and wrong. Men can face social backlash for fashion choices. Especially if those fashion choices suggest that women can wear next to no clothing. By wearing a shirt that showed women in lingerie, Dr Matt Taylor put himself firmly in the crosshairs of restrictive conservatives around the internet.

These are the selfsame conservatives among us who suggest that women who aren’t wearing some socially acceptable adaptation of the Burqa are ‘asking for it’. It is the cruel work of those among us who cling to a past where a woman’s ankle was to be hidden from view, nakedness was obscene, and sex was no better than a sin.

Hell, if it is wrong to depict cartoon versions of scantily dressed people then you better start burning Mills & Boon books. But these people don’t really care about that, all they care about is stopping women from having freedom to decide their own clothing or at least from stopping them being represented in a way that is foreign to the 60’s nuclear wife of their favourite TV shows.  

The public outcry against Dr Matt Taylor’s shirt was not motivated by feminism. Feminism is the idea of ending discrimination against women. Feminism should not be used as a tool to send our society back to the dark ages where people pretend they are not sexual beings, women must hide their bodies from view, and what you wear is more important than who you are.   

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